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  1. M

    Recurring Fevers and shortness of breath

    Thanks so much everyone for your story's, advice, and ideas! This has been a big help and a great place to start. I'll be seeing my doc soon and gathering a list of the things everyone has discussed. Very great full to e very own
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    Recurring Fevers and shortness of breath

    They were looking into have that Bronchoscopy next...I really think its a good idea too...I have been reading about mycobacteria and it causing tons of problems. Was also reading up on the anaerobic bacteria and looks like like people who take Flagl it seemed to help! Thanks for the advice...
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    Recurring Fevers and shortness of breath

    Okay..Thanks for telling me your story!! It would be nice to find the problem! I will ask him about my A1c and ask for an hourly blood sugar test as well! Did you end up getting CFRD? And do you have to take insulin now too? Thanks again!
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    Recurring Fevers and shortness of breath

    Hey everyone Its been a long time since I have posted! Wanted to ask around and see if anyone has been through this? Sorry if these reads like a mess! I have had a low grade fever since Christmas of 2014, Anything above 97.7 makes me feel like total crap! They usually capped off around 100.5...
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    everyone in Michiagn

    i am on CSHC too and i also draw SSI. I think this was only ganna cut those with "Other" insurance. I think i have Medicaid too. I dunno what ganna happen. Can they really just cut all of our health care? there is NO WAY any of us can pay for our meds! if the pull the plug on all funds we are...
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    everyone in Michiagn

    I too got the letter. I didn't get mine neither until 2 days after the hearing on the 11th. When will they find out if the bill got passed. When are the other hearings?
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    Dr's- male vs female

    I am from Michigan.
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    weird question

    I have had Acid Reflux disease for like 10 years...i have had/tryed EVERY pill under the sun! the one that REALLY works for me is Protonix!
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    Dr's- male vs female

    Right before i switched to U OF M i went to MSU clinic and i had the same Main CF doc for 22 years! LOL he was a very smart man but kinda lacked in the one on one and getting to really know the CF kids/ppl....But he saved my life and im very lucky to have met the guy. His co partner was a Woman...
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    burning feeling

    yup thats acid reflux....i also have Acid Reflux disease.
  11. M

    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    Alisha...thats great! well that makes 2 ppl with CF on here that are covered by Tri-Care. I am glad it has worked out for you! with no problems!
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    I have to eat all day too! i am always hungry and i even have a feeding tube! LOL. I also take TOBI Every other month.
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help! sounds like you guys have been through alot too! I was never Denied they just did'nt pay up until like a year and a half later. If your husband filed back in 2002 and this time around they take him he's ganna get a FAT CHECK!! LOL. As long as he didn't work after you first filed! you...
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    Julie..If your Husband is applying for SSD im pretty sure he has to have his Work credits paid in. If he was applying for SSI he will get that no matter what. I was not able to get SSD due to the work credit things. I applyed for SSI when i was 18 and did'nt get it untill i turned 19. They have...
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help! you have a instant messanger? like Yahoo, or AIM? it would be alot eriser to talk one on one i think.. LOL. That way you can ask me things and i will answer them the best i can.
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    I did'nt have time this weel to make it down there..i will ASAP! LOL. Julie...i was wondering how is your husband doing? is he able to work?
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    my boyfriend has cf

    I have two older sisters....and i was the "Lucky" one to get CF! LOL. I was the only one to get CF i am 22 and my sisters are 23,and 30
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    job or career choices.

    wow alot of you seem to be doing good!!! with college and working! Am I the only one who does'nt go to college and work? hahahaha
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    Thanks for all your help Julie! The home help program i think is federal issued so no matter where you live you could get it. I went down to the FIA (Family Independance agency) and got a Adult case worker. I then filled out the forms along with my CF docters and was able to get it. How it...
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    I am Starting to wonder!!! need your help!

    My Finacee and i have been together for about 3.5 years now...and been engaged a little over a year.We do live together in our own Apt.I think this year she will claim me. she works 40 hours a week at a day care and goes to college part time at nights...she is going to Cosmotology school. I also...