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  1. C

    what is the best insurance for people with Cystic Fibrosis

    Hi... Im a mom with a 19 year old living in washington state. We are going through the same process right now. It seems like they have one over on you unless your a medical lawyer. Not sure how the SSI systems works... told my daughter she didnt work long enough to collect. Working on getting...
  2. C

    Idiots at work.....

    My daughter is 19 with CF. I dont know how you folks handle all the people who dont have a clue. We will be standing in line at a check out. People... glare... say... oh my you have a bad cold... and all sorts of things. Amber usually ignores the coments, but everyonce in a while she gets that...
  3. C

    Can a CF'er have a pet dog??

    we have had more dogs than i can count. my daughter and i worked with a dog rescue for 2 years. kind of like foster care. we are finally down to 3 dogs. 1 cat and 2 guiena pigs. if there is an allergy concern. poodles, maltese and yorkies have human like hair, if you can stand dogs that MAY be...