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  1. D

    prenatal confirmation of CF fetus.

    I found out my unborn baby had CF 3 weeks before she was born (long story how . . . ) It was devastating and terrifying. Like the previous message, my view of her during her first few months was dominated by my fear and grief, and it affected my bonding. I started seeing a therapist who...
  2. D

    Staph and i influenzae

    My 12 year old daughter has cultured positive for staph for years. The CF doctor does not treat the staph because he says it will just come back. She gets antibiotics only when she shows obvious signs of infection. (eg increased cough, green mucus). Her lung function is normal. Not treating...
  3. D

    7 months of constant colds - why? what can we do?

    My 12 1/2 year old daughter was diagnosed at birth. She's been on enzymes, Pulmozyme, chest PT, etc., but with that has been remarkably healthy -- her lung function is usually at, or above, predicted, no hospitalizations, no crises. Then, starting this past August, she has had a constant run...