Search results

  1. L

    cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy

    i have a 15 month old with cf and had a nephew (my brother's son) that passed away at 2 1/12 of muscular dystrophy. one of our pulmonologists said there was a family she knew with 5 children. 2 had cf and 2 with md. I've always wondered if there is some strange connection. Anyone out there...
  2. L

    Debating to have a 2nd child??

    we have two children. lizzie 2 1/2 no cf and grace 15 months w/cf. i had an emergency c-section with grace as her bowels had twisted and she had a meconium ileus. She was diagnosed at two weeks, was hospitalized until 3 months when we got to bring her home. She is amazing. She has changed...