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  1. R

    Possibly CF?

    Thanks once again to everyone who has replied to me, and I appreciate all of the information and advice very much.
  2. R

    Possibly CF?

    Thank you for all of the responses! In Finland, cystic fibrosis is considered a rare disease. There are less than 100 people with CF in the entire country (65 in 2006). Also, unlike other countries, sweat test values under 60 are considered normal, and 61-80 is something of a grey area. Only...
  3. R

    Possibly CF?

    Hi gunelle! I'm pretty congested and tired most of the time, and I've missed a lot of work during the past few years.
  4. R

    Possibly CF?

    Hello! I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question or not. I'm 40 years old and I have a family history of CF, but I'm wondering if I myself could possibly have CF. I'm visiting the doctor in a few months to discuss these problems and to get a referral to the hospital for...