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  1. T

    alcohol and CF

    i don't handle alcohol welll at all. I will have a glass of wine at holidays birthdays, but i get real dizzy. Well i get dizzy real easy anyway and drinking i cannot function. Also alcoholism runs in the family
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    what is your opinion?

    right off hand i cannot think of any genetic disease that has been cured. Maybe someday they will be able to do that gene therapy w/ virus, but it'll only help w/ lung issues. I don't know where you've seen cff people driving caddilacs w/ leather and maybe eating caviar, but that's kinda the...
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    Checking out for the big move

    hope you have a safe move
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    CF on Maury

    i had forgotten how daytime tv was so whitetrashy
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    Favorite Christmas Movie

    tim burton's the nightmare before x-mas
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    What kind of car do u drive?

    89 loans, no worrying about scratches, i love my beater car
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    Second day on Oregano

    what brand are you using?
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    Call Me Old Fashioned........

    I know what you mean, some doctors work under the assumption that all cfers are deathly ill all the time and only live to like 20. they just don't grasp the concept that severity can very at any level.
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    lol.............can't we make people register to post (at least threads)
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    **Does CF interfere with your driving

    i get real dizzy lots of times, so it's getting to the point where i don't trust myself to drive.  I think my blood sugar gets all whacked out.  I don't know what from .  Also i will never drive at night cause that makes it so much worse plus i am photophobic.  So if you ever see me out drivin'...
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    I found something that might help other CF's

    hi sean,welcome to the forum.  sounds like you have had great results w/ that oregano.  I myself think some of these alternative things are well worth looking into and i might just give some of those things a try.  so that other forum really grilled you on the subject eh? haha
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    should i do this?

    thanks lilith and wanderlost for replying, i appreciate it
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    should i do this?

    have any of you ever participated in a clinical research study?  I am debating whether or not i want to do this study on curcumin( i don't know if you have heard of this study).  Anyways I went in today to do their first appointment and screening and it was just awful.  I had to do this thing...
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    medication question?

    have any of you been on azithromycin.  My cf doc thought i should try it, but it would be like $100 copay, so i wonder do you think its worth it.  He said it is used as a anti-inflammatory.........I have no clue
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    How much....

    2.89 in Utah...I guess those clowns can charge whatever they one to stop them ugh
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    How many people are........

    i myself am not religious although i think many of christs teachings are something good to live by, although i find it ironic how people claiming to live the Christian way should be so cruel and greedy.  Lets put it this way: If Christ were here he would not be a christian
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    i am from seattle, but for the past few months i've been in levan UTah it's a little hic town, totally different from seattle but funner lol
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    All you "cool" people

    lol that's pretty harsh man lol..
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    where are the HIP diseased folks.

    i guess im not hip cause i didn't know anyone used the word hip anymore, but lemme c:  believe in god--maybees(just not your god), f-word yes, bars--no, tequilla--no, pot--is too hippy, ipod--no, i will assume puma is not a type of cat in this scenario??   pink kitten sweatshirts lolololol haha
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    favorite tv show?

    i like frontline and some other documentery type stuff.  I like animal shows too, but not steve irwin "the croc hunter" ?? he's nuts lol