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  1. H


    If you haven't already looked, there is tons of information on about birthing with CF. Things to keep in mind about meds are that they all have side effects and you can't anticipate ahead of time if you or your baby will suffer and to what degree. For that...
  2. H


    If you haven't already looked, there is tons of information on about birthing with CF. Things to keep in mind about meds are that they all have side effects and you can't anticipate ahead of time if you or your baby will suffer and to what degree. For that...
  3. H


    If you haven't already looked, there is tons of information on about birthing with CF. Things to keep in mind about meds are that they all have side effects and you can't anticipate ahead of time if you or your baby will suffer and to what degree. For that...
  4. H


    If you haven't already looked, there is tons of information on about birthing with CF. Things to keep in mind about meds are that they all have side effects and you can't anticipate ahead of time if you or your baby will suffer and to what degree. For that...
  5. H


    If you haven't already looked, there is tons of information on about birthing with CF. <br /> <br />Things to keep in mind about meds are that they all have side effects and you can't anticipate ahead of time if you or your baby will suffer and to what...
  6. H

    He's here--I'm officially a father of 8

    That is wonderful! Congratulations to you and your family! What a blessing! You're well on your way to where I want to be... parent to 12, though I'm getting amuch slower start! HA! Enjoy your precious ones!
  7. H

    He's here--I'm officially a father of 8

    That is wonderful! Congratulations to you and your family! What a blessing! You're well on your way to where I want to be... parent to 12, though I'm getting amuch slower start! HA! Enjoy your precious ones!
  8. H

    He's here--I'm officially a father of 8

    That is wonderful! Congratulations to you and your family! What a blessing! You're well on your way to where I want to be... parent to 12, though I'm getting amuch slower start! HA! Enjoy your precious ones!
  9. H

    He's here--I'm officially a father of 8

    That is wonderful! Congratulations to you and your family! What a blessing! You're well on your way to where I want to be... parent to 12, though I'm getting amuch slower start! HA! Enjoy your precious ones!
  10. H

    He's here--I'm officially a father of 8

    That is wonderful! Congratulations to you and your family! What a blessing! You're well on your way to where I want to be... parent to 12, though I'm getting amuch slower start! HA! <br />Enjoy your precious ones!
  11. H

    Left over medical supplies

    Glad to hear it. I have actually gathered supplies from some other people around my area to send with mine. Some of the people donating have things other than CF. Sometimes people just need to clean out their medicine cabinet and some of that stuff can be sent too.
  12. H

    Flu & Pneumonia Shots

    I highly recommend the book Vaccines by Neil Z. Miller. Has thorough information on all the recommended childhood shots, RSV, flu, smallpox, and anthrax. Everything contained in there is thoroughly footnoted, so you can look up the original source for any info you are interested in. Just...
  13. H

    A Question for Moms with CF

    Breastfeeding is not contrindicated for mothers with CF. There are some special considerations that others have already mentioned, like calories, sleep, etc. Personally, having had to use a bottle a few times while we were nursing. I would breastfeed any and everyday. I found that I actually...
  14. H


    If you are Christians, you can look into CHASK - Christian Homes And Special Kids. CHASK has a database of parents waiting for a child with specified special needs/diagnosis and children with special needs/diagnosis who are awaiting placement or are not yet born.
  15. H

    Left over medical supplies

    I have been working with a mission in Liberia, West Africa for a little over a year now. They have ercenlty built a new facility that houses an infirmary, but they need supplies. I am donating my left-over port flush and home IV supplies. Saline, syringes, needles, gloves, masks, dressing...
  16. H

    Natural Therapies

    I use Reliv supplements and my health has been better in the last 3.5 years (since starting on it) than it ever was, even as a little kid. (My whole story is on <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge...
  17. H

    Left over medical supplies

    I have been working with a mission in Liberia, West Africa for a little over a year now. Recently they built a new facility that houses an infirmary, but they need supplies. They can use almost anything. I'm sending over my left-overs from at-home port flushes and home IVs. Saline syringes...
  18. H

    To those who DID get pregnant with CF....

    Experiences are all unique, aren't they? We tried for a year and were diagnosed infertile. Then as soon as we gave up hope, we got pregnant. My pregnancy was incredibly healthy and easy. Birth was awesome! We've been hopeing to conceive again since my periods returned 3 years ago, but nothing...
  19. H

    Moms with CF

    Those of ou who haven't already, I encourage you to go look around on "From Patient to Parent" <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>. This is a compilation of hundreds of research articles about...
  20. H

    Any advice for a first time CF Mum

    One of the biggest things you could do to potentially dramatically support his health is to consider relactating. There are numerous moms on this board who have helped sustain and improve their child(ren)'s health through breastfeeding. If you aren't doing so right now, it is actually...