Search results

  1. B

    CF Adult Vest

    I was wondering if anyone has an adult CF vest and machine? I am unable to pay the co-payment. I have, not only CF, but CFRD, seizures, arthits, and severe migraines. My husband also has Type 1 Diabetes and he has no insurance, and we take different insulins, but are both insulin depent, so it...
  2. B

    Hard time coughing

    Hi, I am Brodi Reece and I am 27 and on 3 Liters of oxygen all the time. I am a nurse with a Masters Degree. I went to High School and College at the same time, (my Mom works at UGA as a Chemists), so that is how I got in so early, but I wore myself out as you can imagine. I also don't work...