Still trying to help Josh figure out what insurance to choose.
For the adults, is your pulmonary doctor your primary care physician? If so, who treats your non- cf medical needs?
Josh will be 26 in a few weeks and will age out of my insurance. He is currently on MassHealth as a supplement, but he will have to choose a primary through MassHealth. Are there any MA residents who can give an opinion on options?
I agree and am grateful for the resources and support this community provides. Thank you all and to Jeanne for all your work on our behalf. You are making a difference.
Your daughter's friend is so blessed to have your support. End stage CF is so overwhelming for the patient and the caregivers. It sounds like he is depressed and defeated which makes sense. Unfortunately he may not have the stamina and will to fight. There are other options for antidepressants...
Heather, I am so sorry for your loss.
My family is going through a similar situation. My 19 year old son passed in May while on ECMO waiting for new lungs. My older son (23 with CF) was in great shape for several years but isn't taking care of himself right now. It is so hard to watch especially...
I think of dear Mel every day. By sharing herself, she gave us all a wonderful gift. Her 40th birthday celebration was indeed jubilant- the rose is still on my mirror to remind me.
We have so many extra IV supplies. If anyone could use them, we'd be happy to send them out.
The boys haven't touched them- most of them are in the bags from the home care company. Here's a list:
3 boxes of 100 non-latex gloves
102 10ml syringes saline flush exp. 12/15
18 5ml syringes...
Joanne, I share your pain and am so very sorry for the loss of your precious Jessica. There are really no words but I understand. My son Jesse passed in May. He had just turned 19.
I would like to hear more about your daughter and your experience if you'd like to talk. Please send a private...
I have a new 3-ring binder style health journal if someone can use it. It was created by a CF mom to keep her daughter's appointments and medical records sorted.
It has pre-printed sections for everything you can imagine. I...
Wow Tonya, that is so scary. I hope by now the doctor has taken him off and his behavior is improving.
My boys never had any of these symptoms so I can't comment from experience, but I'm thinking of you.
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