My son is experiencing what we assume is a pretty nasty bout with depression and/or an OCD flair?
We have never seen this before and have been in contact with many professionals and have been told we are "doing all the right things" and "it will take some time to recover" It came on so suddenly...
Medicaid has been paying for my son's hypertonic if the pharmacy fill it with 10% and .9% vials and we mix it here at home each time. But I just changed pharmacies and asked them to order in the Hyper-Sal by Pari and found out that Medicaid will not cover it because they are not contracted with...
My kids have always been pancreatic sufficient, so I have no experience (other than what I read on here) about bowel movements for those who are pancreatic insufficient.
My son has never had the fecal fat test done (his sister has and was fine) Since his diagnosis his weight has always been...
No exactly sure what it all means, but thought someone might find it interesting
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
I haven't gone here yet but it sounds pretty cool.... first link is an article that includes the link to the site.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
I haven't gone here yet but it sounds pretty cool.... first link is an article that includes the link to the site.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
They reference a recent post, give me a link and then state:
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Read this article !! This sounds very exciting to me! I didn't really realize that when people are having trouble responding to antibiotics that it might be because the culture didn't identify what bacteria was there!!!!
This link says in part:
Pace and his colleagues at CU-Denver's Health...
Read this article !! This sounds very exciting to me! I didn't really realize that when people are having trouble responding to antibiotics that it might be because the culture didn't identify what bacteria was there!!!!
This link says in part:
Pace and his colleagues at CU-Denver's Health...
I was poking around the Nova website looking for information on the Ghost in your genes show and found this 16 part show -- #9 & 10 specifically relate to the genetics of CF -- if you have time watch the entire thing -- it's very good.... it goes into the specifics of proteins being more...
I was poking around the Nova website looking for information on the Ghost in your genes show and found this 16 part show -- #9 & 10 specifically relate to the genetics of CF -- if you have time watch the entire thing -- it's very good.... it goes into the specifics of proteins being more...
I was poking around the Nova website looking for information on the Ghost in your genes show and found this 16 part show -- #9 & 10 specifically relate to the genetics of CF -- if you have time watch the entire thing -- it's very good.... it goes into the specifics of proteins being more...
I received the following in an email from the advocacy news. I thought others might be interested in this info -- If for some reason it is not ok to pass this along and/or post this I apologizes, please remove the post. Thanks
Goal: We Need 150 Caucus Members by...
It seems to me that responses and posts have been a lot slower/less frequent than they used to be. Also someone commented a while back that it seemed like people were being nicer to each other and maybe that was a result of the code of conduct and/or the recent loss of littledebbie.
I started...
Ok, we have a situation (with one child) with coverage ending 8/9 and new coverage starting 10/01. We can COBRA at $320 per month for the two months just to make sure everything is covered. I know I can pay the $640 for the two months and there would not be any question about coverage and/or a...
Have you ever heard this medical term used?
I saw it on a letter of medical necessity that I had asked our new CF doc to write. In it he states :
"I feel that we should institute pulmonary toilet for treatment of his cystic fibrosis."
I immediately thought oh my gosh! Someone has made a huge...
The doctor just put my son on Advair twice a day -- it didn't occur to me until we got home that I thought I remembered some sort of warning about this medication -- people dying as a result???? Am I remembering that correctly? Was it Serevent only?
I know that PFT's can vary a little bit each time you do them, but has anyone ever noticed a substantial difference in your numbers if you changed facilities -- perhaps using slightly different (newer or older) equipment?
Since before the diagnosis of CF my kids have always had great coverage through group employee purchased health care (Cigna) Everything has been paid really well and relatively speaking we have not had much out of pocket expense.
We are in a weird situation with health insurance at the moment...
Since before the diagnosis of CF my kids have always had great coverage through group employee purchased health care (Cigna) Everything has been paid really well and relatively speaking we have not had much out of pocket expense.
We are in a weird situation with health insurance at the moment...
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