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  1. B

    How long?

    I haven't been on here in a while because I've been doing so well here lately, but this has been a brutal fall season. The dr's just put me on Predinsone- 40 mg, and Sporonox for ABPA. I've been on them a week and still feel no relief as far as being able to catch my breath or even get a good...
  2. B


    I have terrible sinus drainage and it's causing so many problems right now and the dr's can't seem to get me on the right med. to clear it up. I was wondering what do you guys take or do for you allergies? I've taken Singular and am now trying Flonaze.
  3. B

    Joint Pain

    I've been having terrible pain in my wrists and ankles the past few days. I haven't stopped or started any new meds and I've never had this problem. I can take Ibuprofen and it will ease up, but I'm getting a little worried. My fingers, knees and thighs are starting to hurt. Any ideas what...
  4. B

    Sad and Totally Confused

    OK, it's taken me a week to get to the point that I can talk about this, so here it goes. I went to my clinic visit last wed, Feb 1, and my FEV1 is down to 45% from 48%. But here's the confusing and sad part. I have been working so hard these past 2 months to get them back up to around 50%...
  5. B

    problems with MRSA??

    I have a question about MRSA. This is the only thing growing in my lungs and I have been getting high fevers for around 3 years now when I'm not on antibioics. I'm on zyvox, doxy, and bactrim and rotate them every two weeks. My dr is stumped and this is the only thing that stops the fevers...