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  1. M


    Hey there A friend of mine started A cf wives support group on FB...Thought I would share it with everyone here.....<div>Just search cf wives on fb...Thank you Amanda</div>
  2. M


    Hey everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that Nick and I just did A fundraiser called bowling for breath and it was a HUGE sucess...If anyone else is interested in doing this in your area let me know and I will send you the info. It was A ton of fun and raised a great amount of money...
  3. M

    New Blog check it out

    Hey Everyone, I know I have been getting messages from people regaurding our blog. I changed the URL so It is no longer mrs.brown1110 but it is now <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=" "> </a>...
  4. M

    Dark circles under eyes????

    Hello,So every now and then my husband Nick gets these really bad dark circles around his eyes..Verry noticable. I am just wondering if it is because he dosnt take his vitamins like he should or what would cause this... Does any other cfers out there get this? Thanks Amanda
  5. M


    I think most of you have seen our blog, But for those who havnt .. Check it out and make sure to follow xoxo <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
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    I need your help and Ideas

    Last year I was introduced to the great strides walks and fell in love. I was disapointed though, I didnt have enough time to do alot of fundraising for the walk. So this year I made it A point to raise as much money as I could. So I need your IDEAS... I need fundraising Ideas. We are already...
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    Husbands port is still painful....

    So my husband Nick got A port placed 2 months ago. Since then he has complained of pain. I expected it would be painful until it healed but I would think it should be healed by now. When he works on stuff with his hands, Or sleeps A certain way or moves A certain way it is painful to him. Is it...
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    LETS CHAT....

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    New blog check it out

    Hey just added A new blog... Check it out and show some love... Im also on myspace the link is on my blog... XOXO <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
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    update on Nick

    Just want to thank everyone for their post on the topic. Kinda ease my mind for the night. We finally got ahold of his Dr. and he said it was ok because the blood Nick was coughing up was old and Rust looking so it was old blood I guess. Anyways they said as long as it is not ALOT or BRIGHT RED...
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    A New Blog

    HELLO, SO I created A blog... This is kinda new to me I havnt had it for too long but have had alot of great feedback from it so... you should check it out and show some love. I would love to know that my cf family is enjoying it... Love to all xoxo Amanda <a target=_blank...
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    husband coughing up blood 3rd day??????????

    ok so my husband is coughing up blood for the 3rd day in A row... Cant call DR. Office should we go to the emergency room or can it wait until tomorrow. What would happen if we wait please w/b asap.. Thanks A bunch