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  1. M


    My daughter Abby is 1 1/2 and she had a sinus infection. She wasput on amoxicillan for 10 days and it didn't touch it. She was now started on bactrim for 14 days. It turns out she has MRSA in her nose. She did culture for colonized MRSA in her throat about 6 months ago. She also had her...
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    New here .. Just wanted to say Hi!

    Hi, I have a little girl who turned 1 in april. SHe has mild CF so far. What I want to tell you is that I know a girl who just turned 21 and she has CF. She told me that the reason they found out she had it (back then they didn't do the newborn screen in Massachusetts) was that she was only...
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    New to CF- crying baby

    When I was 6months preg with abby, the doctor called me at work to tell me that from the ultrasound, it looked like the baby had down syndrome - there were 2 markers. I had an amnio done, and also had them (I thought) terst for the CF, knowing that we were both carriers. The amnio came back...
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    New to CF- crying baby

    I wasn't so concerned about the paternity, but maybe they made a misdiagnosis with the little guy. What if the sweat test was borderline and they gave home the dx - they really should do some genetic testing on the little guy.
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    New to CF- crying baby

    I'm just curoius, you said the mom was a carrier, but your son tested negative. Is your son the father? If he is, and tested negative, how did your grandchild test positive? Maybe they made a mistake?
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    Hey Marylou!! My name is Monica and I live in Webster, MA! I actually bring Abby who is 16 months to UMASS. I was going to bring her to Boston Childrens, but we got into Dr. O'Sullivan who is very good. In fact, there is going to be some kind of publication that UMASS and Dr. O'Sullivan is...
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    Hi, My name is Monica and mom of Abby who is almost 16 months old. She was diagnosed right after birth thanks to the newborn screen. I had an amnio (they thought she was downs at 6 months) and they told me they tested for CF and it was negative - well, they never did test for it. My husbands...
  8. M


    My 1 yr old dtr had a repeat throat culture to see if the psuedomonis was still +. Well, it came back negative, but the nurse said she tested + for MRSA. I work in a nursing home and am very familiar with it, but not with children. Have any of you had this experience? Thanks, Monica
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    question for parents of cfers

    I just started taking wellbutrin about 2 weeks ago. I really don't think it was because of the "CF", I think it is just everything all together. Money, work, having my 1st child and have her dx with CF... My family all told me that I just wasn't myself. My doctor asked me what I wanted to...
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    Yes -and no. The doctor that told us 1st that based on our gentic testing prior to conception, if the baby ended up with both genes, it would be so mild that if the baby was born prior to the 5 years ago when they did not do newborn testing, the child may go through life with a simple "asthma...
  11. M


    To the poster who asked me the mutation question. Abby has the delta 508 and R117H and whatever the next number is was the mildest. I will find out for you. She did have the test for the pancreatic insuff. and that just came back a week and a half ago very normal. It is very frustrating...
  12. M


    Both myself and my husband also carry the same gentic mutations. I went trhough fertility and had an IUI and even went through genetic counceling that ASSURED us that with these mutations, (like you have read) there would be a presentation of very little CF - in fact prior to the newborn...
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    Abby's stool spec is back

    Abby's stool spec is back and it was a 500. I think from what I can read, that is good. Am I right? I read somewhere that anything over 200 is normal, 100-200 is moderate pancreatic insufficiency... and anything 100 and below is severe pancreatic insufficiency. Any thoughts?
  14. M

    New dtr diagnosis

    Well - this is a very puzzling one. My husband and I knoew we were carriers as we were mandated by our fertility clinic to get tested. We had to go to a genetic councelor before continuing and we were told we have a "strange" mutation. delta508 and R117 (I may have left a digit off) anyway...