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  1. K

    Starting enzymes...What to look for?

    We were just told that our 5 month old son's fecal elastase came back way below normal during his last labs. We started him on Creon a few days ago but I'm really not sure what type of symptoms or changes we should be expecting. He's mostly breast fed with some formula supplementing, his stools...
  2. K


    My son is 3 months old and asymptomatic at this point but he does have some minor sinus congestion and cough in the morning when he first wakes up. I was just wondering about using humidifiers with CF patients...Thanks
  3. K

    Does the sweat chloride number tell you anything?

    HI, We are the parents of a newly diagnosed 6 week old baby who is asymptomatic at this point. We are wondering if the number of your sweat chloride results means anything? If its higher does that correlate to any physical symptoms? We are still waiting on our gene type to come back so it...