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  1. J

    Saving for Colleage Disabled (SSI)

    We are just about to start something for our son (14months). We have a non/cf daughter (5) and started a 529 plan (state of OH) for her. I wondered if I should do something different for our cfer because I wanted it to be flexible should he decide to not go to school and travel or need it for...
  2. J

    Weight Gain On Non-Milk Diet

    Our son is 14 months but has been dairy-free since 7 weeks (long story). Since he has been eating solids we try and add MCT oil to his veggies and soy drink (I use Soy Dream Enriched). We make smoothies with lots of vitamin-rich fruits, coconut milk, and a Rice Protein Powder (tastes...
  3. J

    Breastfeeding & Emotions

    Thank you all. I am just going through a bit of an emotional time right now with all that has happened this past year. All and all I know it will just happen naturally and I will adjust. Even though I didn't breastfeed my daughter full-time (just part-time for 6 months) I remember her first...
  4. J

    Breastfeeding & Emotions

    Hey everyone. Ben just turned one years old this past week and it has been a whirlwind of emotions for me. A few of you may remember that we are still breastfeeding after a very difficult year with little support from our CF clinic and many interuptions (failure to thrive and RSV). Anyways...
  5. J

    My best friend called and her 3 year old son has been diagnosed with CF..

    My son was diagnosed 7 months ago (he was 4 months old at the time) and we still have days where we feel we are awakening from a nightmare. However, I can say that many days it is because he is doing so well that I still can't believe he has the disease. Once we digested the label of CF it...