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  1. A

    Please talk to me about Gtubes

    Hello, My daughter had to get a G/J tube put in when she was 6 months old. The reason was she would puke up any formula or food we gave her and with the CF she was loosing weight fast and would not have made it without the tube. My wife and I we're pretty broken up about it and didn't know what...
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    Please talk to me about Gtubes

    Hello, My daughter had to get a G/J tube put in when she was 6 months old. The reason was she would puke up any formula or food we gave her and with the CF she was loosing weight fast and would not have made it without the tube. My wife and I we're pretty broken up about it and didn't know what...
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    anyone ever used levofloxacin for a 7 year old?

    Hello,<br>My 7 year old daughter was just prescribed levofloxacin (pill form) because of PA. She just finished cipro followed by coliston but the levels of PA didn't seem to drop any. We've gotten rid of PA a few different times, last time was after a tune up a couple of years ago.<br><br>She...
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    anyone ever used levofloxacin for a 7 year old?

    Hello,<br>My 7 year old daughter was just prescribed levofloxacin (pill form) because of PA. She just finished cipro followed by coliston but the levels of PA didn't seem to drop any. We've gotten rid of PA a few different times, last time was after a tune up a couple of years ago.<br><br>She...