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  1. M

    CF and Severe Fatigue

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>UKBASEDJON</b></i><br>Hi Have you had your blood gases measured lately? Your lung function may be OK but the O2 may not be so good. And you may have high Co2 levels. I found that both have a strong influence on how much energy I have...
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    CF and Severe Fatigue

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Have you ever had thyroid tests done? I know exactly how you feel about the extreme fatigue - I am 37 have CF & used to deal with the same fatigue. My doctor checked my thyroid functioning (blood test) and I found that I...
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    CF and Severe Fatigue

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>senatorgraham</b></i><br>Have you consulted your Doctor about a correlation between your fatigue and the medications you are taking. Perhaps one of the dosages is to high and even though it has to be that high it is causing you fatigue. Just a...
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    CF and Severe Fatigue

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i><br>Another thought to try is using oxygen at night. I came home with it from my last admission. I initially thought it was the end of the world, but my doctors explained it to me like this. Our bodies go through a lot even...
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    CF and Severe Fatigue

    <blockquote>Quote <hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i> Hello, I've been reading these forums for some time now and just had to respond to your post because it hits so close to home. I can relate to exactly everything you wrote! I am a 27 year old female with CF and I am always...
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    Sex Drive for Women

    No, you are not alone. I have trouble in this area as well. I'm not in the mood, tired, just don't have the drive. Once and a great while. I get so frustrated as well. I did find a web site that for once I found addressed womens issues with CF at...
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    CF and Severe Fatigue

    I'm a 37 year old female with CF. I experience severe fatigue chronically, no matter how much rest and exercise I get, no matter how proper my diet is, how many vitamin supplements, natural supplements I take. I have fairly good lung function, but do consistently have lung infections. I've...