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  1. S

    Sterilizing nebulizer parts

    we boil using distilled water every night for 5 minutes. When we are on vacation, we use the steam bags with distilled water. The distilled water has helped us avoid the mineral deposits we were getting before that can harbor bacteria.
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    What do you wish you would have known?

    My daughter is 7 months old and diagnosed at birth due to a merconium illeus and had surgery a few hours after birth. Like most new parents, we did not deal with the diagnosis well but after she came home from the NICU, we got into a routine. It was so overwhelming at first, but we are dealing...
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    Tips for infant treatments

    We try to do it while my 7 month old is sleeping and she stays asleep for the entire treatment. We can even do a few of the CPT spots during the neb time to save some time. Good luck!
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    CF clinic recommendations near Auburn, AL

    Thank you all for your help! I have heard great things about the Birmingham CF clinic and think that is the way to go. I really appreciate your help with this, it really helps to have personal referrals when it comes to such an important decision. <img...
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    Airline travel

    Just flew a couple weeks ago and was worried about the same thing. We were able to take all her meds and nebulizer equipment along with premixed bottles on the plane with no problem in a carry-on. To be on the safe side, we got a letter from our doctor and told the screeners up front but no...
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    CF clinic recommendations near Auburn, AL

    I am possibly moving to Auburn, AL for a job but before making a decision I want to make sure that we can get quality care for my 7 month old daughter with CF. I see that there is a pediatric CF clinics in Birmingham and two in Atlanta which are all about the same distance from Auburn. Does...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    Thank you all for your support and for sharing your stories! I wanted to give an update... Riley was discharged from the NICU at the beginning of December and we are thrilled to have her home to start our lives together. In her first week home she was seen by her pediatrician and we visited the...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    Thank you all for your support and for sharing your stories! I wanted to give an update... Riley was discharged from the NICU at the beginning of December and we are thrilled to have her home to start our lives together. In her first week home she was seen by her pediatrician and we visited the...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    Our doctors have been in contact with the closest CF clinic and have consulted them along the way but I am still not sure they are fully able to deal with this. They are testing her stool now to determine the needed enzymes, but she is eating only the most basic formula at this point and they...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    Our doctors have been in contact with the closest CF clinic and have consulted them along the way but I am still not sure they are fully able to deal with this. They are testing her stool now to determine the needed enzymes, but she is eating only the most basic formula at this point and they...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    Our doctors have been in contact with the closest CF clinic and have consulted them along the way but I am still not sure they are fully able to deal with this. They are testing her stool now to determine the needed enzymes, but she is eating only the most basic formula at this point and they...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i> We had a similar experience over 8 years ago when DS was born with an obstruction. No family history, complete shock. He spent 6 weeks in the NICU/Hospital. During that time, we learned how to do chest...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i> We had a similar experience over 8 years ago when DS was born with an obstruction. No family history, complete shock. He spent 6 weeks in the NICU/Hospital. During that time, we learned how to do chest...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i> We had a similar experience over 8 years ago when DS was born with an obstruction. No family history, complete shock. He spent 6 weeks in the NICU/Hospital. During that time, we learned how to do chest...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    I wanted to introduce myself since I will be stumbling around this forum a lot now. My newborn was diagnosed at birth with CF due to an obstruction in her intestines. This obstruction caused her to have a micro colon (it had never been used) and she is still in the NICU. The doctors are working...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    I wanted to introduce myself since I will be stumbling around this forum a lot now. My newborn was diagnosed at birth with CF due to an obstruction in her intestines. This obstruction caused her to have a micro colon (it had never been used) and she is still in the NICU. The doctors are working...
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    newborn daughter just diagnosed

    I wanted to introduce myself since I will be stumbling around this forum a lot now. My newborn was diagnosed at birth with CF due to an obstruction in her intestines. This obstruction caused her to have a micro colon (it had never been used) and she is still in the NICU. The doctors are working...