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    Newborn just diagnosed and I M FREAKIN OUT

    My daughter was diagnosed at 2 days old. I was devastated, and did so many crazy things... For instance, I had her bassinet right next to my bed and the baby monitor right next to my ear. I held her all day and watched and counted every breath she took. If she coughed or sneezed I called the...
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    Sterilizing nebulizer parts

    Baby bottle sterilizer is what my daughter uses... 17yrs old diagnosed with CF at birth.. Plays Varsity Basketball for her school, is a Senior.. Has been playing basketball for 12 years and is on the Track and Field team... Thank you all for sharing. : )
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    This may sound silly, however, last visit to the hospital, my daughter was told by the Pulm. Therapist that when she had coughing fits guzzle down a bottle of water or two, everytime she gets coughing fits at nite, she drinks her bottle of water and within 10 or 15 minutes its gone. Something to...
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    This may sound silly, however, last visit to the hospital, my daughter was told by the Pulm. Therapist that when she had coughing fits guzzle down a bottle of water or two, everytime she gets coughing fits at nite, she drinks her bottle of water and within 10 or 15 minutes its gone. Something to...
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    Off Label Kalydeco-My follow up Appt.

    Im soooo very happy with your test results!!! I have a 17 year old with CF and has only been hospitalized twice for IV Antibiotic Therapy, but Im glad to hear that there is hope for the future. Best of luck to you and please keep posting your results. P.S. Where can I find out more information...
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    Off Label Kalydeco-My follow up Appt.

    Im soooo very happy with your test results!!! I have a 17 year old with CF and has only been hospitalized twice for IV Antibiotic Therapy, but Im glad to hear that there is hope for the future. Best of luck to you and please keep posting your results. P.S. Where can I find out more information...
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    Kalydeco off-label: My first 4 days

    Jmiller, I am a mother of a 17 year old who is an athlete, her first hospital visit for IV Therapy was July 2011 and March 2012. We were devastated that she had reached the point where these hospital visits would be necessary. But during her July stay my older daughter emailed information on...
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    Kalydeco off-label: My first 4 days

    Jmiller, I am a mother of a 17 year old who is an athlete, her first hospital visit for IV Therapy was July 2011 and March 2012. We were devastated that she had reached the point where these hospital visits would be necessary. But during her July stay my older daughter emailed information on...