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  1. H

    Questions to ask new CF clinic?

    We live in Oregon and attend the Kaiser clinic. They are wonderful! And Dr. Cohen is actually retiring, so your contact person is actuallt Dr. Jennifer Bass who we adore. My child is only 11 months, so I am probably not a good source of information for you, but good luck! Oregon is fantadtic!
  2. H

    Clarification, please!

    My daughter is 9 months old, and diagnosed by newborn screen. I have been reading whatever I can and asking a lot of questions, but I seem to still be foggy on a lot of things, and I am wondering if someone can give me a clearer picture. Let's see if I can explain my question now! I am confused...
  3. H

    Vest for Infant/Toddler?

    Thank you so much for the input! I am definitely going to ask about it at our next clinic appointment. Thank you !
  4. H

    Vest for Infant/Toddler?

    My Cfer is 7 months old now, and it is getting very difficult to do her chest therapy. She squirms and rolls and kicks, and I just don't feel like I am giving her a very good session when I do it. I have seen that there are vests (or wraps) for infants and toddlers, and I am wondering if any...
  5. H


    We have a camping trip planned for this summer, and I am wondering about whether it is safe to have my 3 month old CFer around a lot of dust and campfires. We have the option of keeping her away for the most part, but I am wondering what the risks are, and if there is any safe level of exposure...
  6. H

    Pulmozyme Not refrigerated

    Great, thanks!
  7. H

    Pulmozyme Not refrigerated

    We just got back from a trip in which our flights got horribly messed up, and resulted in my daughter's pulmozyme being left unrefrigerated for over 24 hours. Do I have to toss it?
  8. H

    Tips for infant treatments

    Ok, yet another question from the new CF mom! Does anyone have any tips or tricks for giving an infant a nebulizer treatment? Holy crap that's hard!
  9. H

    DeltaF508 and M1101K

    We just found out the mutations that our daughter has. Anyone else have this combination? I would love to hear from you! F508 and M1101K
  10. H

    Pulmozyme in infant

    My daughter is 2 months old, and is not presenting with any symptoms as of yet. She has a little cold and a very infrequent tight cough. I took here to her CF Specialist, who had talked about putting her on pulmozyme and HTS (is that right?!) after discussing it for awhile, we decided not to do...
  11. H

    Book Recommendations for new CF Parent

    Thank you so much for the responses everyone. I have read the Orenstein book already and found it very informative. I am getting the others on Amazon right now. Reading your responses are bringing tears to my eyes. I have been feeling very alone in all of this. It is nice to know there is a...
  12. H

    Book Recommendations for new CF Parent

    I am the mother of a 2 month old little girl who was diagnosed with CF at 3 weeks old. So far I have been trying to absorb as much information as I can, but I have found that the technical books I am reading aren't giving me a very real sense of what I can expect my daughter to experience over...
  13. H

    Book Recommendations for new CF Parent

    I am the mother of a 2 month old little girl who was diagnosed with CF at 3 weeks old. So far I have been trying to absorb as much information as I can, but I have found that the technical books I am reading aren't giving me a very real sense of what I can expect my daughter to experience over...