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  1. H

    Frightened and sad...

    The First Year I have a little one with DDf508 who just celebrated her first birthday. She is a happy busy bee who is always on the move. She is an average weight and just below average height. She does enzymes at every meal, vitamins once a day and chest PT once a day. She's had to use...
  2. H

    Emotional day at OB/GYN

    Here is a link with research about CF women having babies...I am sure you don't let CF stop you in other areas of your life so don't let that stop you from trying to become a mom. Good luck!
  3. H

    New to Thread, Newly Diagnosed

    Just wanted to say a quick hello. I have a seven month old with CF DDf508 and found out 10 days after she was born. My baby girl gets 1/2 zenpep pill at every other meal (I put it in her food - applesauce, pears, etc), vitamax in the morning, and PT once a day. I like Vitamax better than...
  4. H

    Failure to thrive! OPINIONS PLZ

    Congrats- great news:)
  5. H

    Failure to thrive! OPINIONS PLZ

    Hello, First of all congrats on your new little one! Second, I was in a similar boat. I was breastfeeding but it just wasnt enough, so I wound up breastfeeding and supplementing with bottles. We use similac advance. My daughter is now five months old (DDf508) and is now a healthy weight...
  6. H

    What do you wish you would have known?

    My May 2012 baby also has CF DDF508. I cried a lot when we first found out. It was good to get it all out - really it is a greiving process in a way - but now we are getting into a day-to-day groove and it seems a lot less overwhelming. She takes vitamax once a day, 8 pellets with every other...
  7. H

    22 weeks Pregnant and amnio confirmed CF

    We found out 10 days after our daughter was born that she has CF. Like others have said, I had a wide range of emotions, namely why wasnt I tested when I was pregnant, etc. It's good and bad that you know in advance. Let's you prepare but also lets you worry! The most important thing for me...
  8. H

    Looking for a CF Center in Northern NJ or NYC

    We take our daughter to Dr. Berdella in Manhattan. She isboth caring and down to earth which I appreciate very much. The staff there is also very helpful and kind. <a href=""></a> <table> <tbody> <tr>...