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  1. M


    Is anyone on here enrolled in Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps? BCMH? I am looking into this and yes, they do cover CF over their childhood guidelines (over 21 years old). I'm looking for additional financial resources for IV's, home IV's, etc and I'd appreciate knowing what others...
  2. M

    A Trust- putting $ in the right place

    Hi LouLou, Yes I will keep you updated. I'm going to look into meeting with attorneys who offer free consultations. But I will also contact Beth, she's been helpful in the past.
  3. M

    A Trust- putting $ in the right place

    I've been told to put $ from my savings into a trust. This way it won't look like an asset (which will be helpful in future, as far as financial decisions). This way it won't hold me back from being eligable for financial help(medically, educationally, etc). I am currently on SSDI and I work...
  4. M

    Who are you in a nut shell

    I'm Kelli. I'm 34. I live in Ohio. I have a chihuahua, named Chai Chai Maria Rodriguez. I work part time as a chiropractic assistant. My FEV and PFT's stink, I try not to focus on numbers. I have commitment issues, I am divorced and THINKING about getting married again. I love to read. I'm...
  5. M

    34 y/o woman heading back to school....scholarship?

    Considering I just needed to ask someone how to spell scholarship....perhaps I shouldn't be heading back to school. I want to do on-line classes and I was wondering if there was any CF scholarships that you all know of? If so, will you please let me know. I am looking into doing medical massage...