Search results

  1. J

    Any Adults at the Seattle or Portland Clinic

    Have things gotten better? Where did you end up settling on which clinic?
  2. J

    Who are you in a nut shell

    Hello All! Well my name is Jayme, I'm a SINGLE girl, and 27 years old. I love love love kids, but don't have any yet :). Diagnosed just a few months ago...sweat test, after a chronic lung infection that nobody could seem to diagnose. Sinus problems my whole life, but did not have lung issues...
  3. J

    health insurance + job questions

    Hi there! If you age out of your parents insurance you should be able to stay on through your "disability". It is worth discussing with a social worker, or having your parents contact their employer. I was not diagnosed until I had been off of my mom's insurance for a year...but if I had been...