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  1. C

    Anyone allergic to Levaquin still able to take Cipro?

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I started my Cipro a week ago and have had no problems at all. Best of all I am feeling much better and was able to skip the IV's.
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    Anyone allergic to Levaquin still able to take Cipro?

    Last time I took Levaquin I had an allergic reaction that took me to the ER. I am having a slight exacerbation now and my doctor prescribed Cipro for me. I asked about my reaction to Levaquin and she said they are decidedly two different molecules, even though in the same family. It worries...
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    When did you start to decline?

    My first and only (so far, thankfully) rapid decline came the first year I was out of college, so 22 years old. I was average 85% FVE1 in school and within one year of being in the workforce I had dropped to low mid 60% FEV1. I was incredibly active in sports and exercising all through high...
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    My wife and I have adopted two children domestically, both were infants when we took them home.. The first agency did make a deal out of my CF requesting a letter from my doctor and health records. My doctor told them to fly a kite, that I was plenty healthy to parent. The second agency we...
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    Partner of a Cyster -- Repeat fungal infections

    This is common. The strong antibiotics CF'ers take kill both bad and good bacteria. The good bacteria in your body naturally keep fungi at bay. The high doses of antibiotics that we are on lead to high concentrations of that antibiotic in saliva, sweet, etc. So when your girlfriend is on the...
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    Gross, embarrassing things that come with CF!

    I have 2 strains of P.A. and Achromobacter so every time I cough it smell like fart. When I have an exacerbation my breath constantly smells of pooh. Fun. One time in high school I was hanging out with some buddies and my J-tube just randomly feel out of my stomach. My friends weren't too...
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    Bronchitol: 5% FEV1 improvement with one dose

    It'll be interesting to see if they pull the children's data from the study pool and try to get just an adult indication.
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    Bronchitol: 5% FEV1 improvement with one dose

    Unfortunately thing are not looking good for this product. The FDA does not like what it sees in the study. Link to article below. Lets hope the advisory board says different.
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    Cayston making it more difficult to breathe?

    Wow! This is the exact same thing that happened to me. Unfortunately I do not to any inhaled antibiotics anymore because I can not tolerate them. To the OP, yes this is common.
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    Have Any DF508's Started the Third Phase of Trials Yet?

    I just heard from the study coordinator at my clinic (which is a site for the 809 phase III) that they will not be starting the trial until late March. No mention of recruiting was made. I sure hope I can get in the study!
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    6 y/o son and lung surgery?

    I would get a second opinion from a CF transplant doctor at a different clinic, even if that means traveling. Different clinics often approach CF with with different protocols. Transplant specialists approach CF different than general pulmonologists. That's a major surgery, be as informed as...
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    lung function

    34yrs old, 63% FEV1 at baseline. I exercise as much as possible. P90x a few days a week in the winter plus hockey and snow skiing. Waterski/wakeboard, running, and mountain biking in the summer.
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    What song do you relate your CF fight to

    Alanis Morrisette - Thank You. The first line in the song is "how 'bout getting off of these anti-biotics." The first time I ever heard that song I was on my way home from getting a P.I.C.C. placed and feeling like crap and the first line of the song really stuck with me. I've related that...
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    Chronic aches & pains

    So did you used to have aches and pains that were alleviated when you started drinking lots of water or are you just sharing good advise in general? Also, when you say pitcher of water how many oz are you talking about? 64oz per pitcher so roughly a gallon of water a day?
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    Chronic aches & pains

    I feel your pain, literally. The last 18 months or so I have had increasing joint pain and muscle soreness. It seems to come and go with my health. If I'm feeling good I don't notice it much but if I am feeling crappy then it's very problematic. I have become pretty dependent on 400mg Motrin...