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  1. H

    Living or Dying with Cystic Fibrosis, The Parents Fight for Life, The State Enforces Death.

    RE:Living or Dying with Cystic Fibrosis, The Parents Fight for Life, The State Enforces Death. I will be praying for your little boy, your wife and you. I pray your little boy returns to your home soon. Don't give up hope.
  2. H

    New to everything

    Hi Melissa My 2 year old daughter Emma was diagnosed at 6 weeks. We were soo shocked, depressed, sad. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. As far as the cough, Emma had a bad cough in January when she was 5 months old. It turned out to be pneumonia It scared me soo much...
  3. H

    The "P" word already...

    Hi Jody I read your message and it took me back to May of this year. My daughter Emma (2) had a Bronchoscopy and they determined she had "P". I felt the same way you did. My husband and I cried and cried. But we have two other children so we try and pull it together, as hard as that is. My...
  4. H


    My mom lives with me and takes care of her while I work. I'm very blessed to have such wonderful help. Is she on enzymes or any treatments? I live in Yucaipa Ca and go to Loma Linda Childrens Hospital. It is very hard to find other parents that can relate to what we go through. My...
  5. H

    Pregestimil question

    Hi Jennifer My daughter was placed on pregetimil before we found out she had CF. She didn't use any enzymes the first 2 weeks. They placed her on a powder enzyme that burned her mouth. It was too strong. Then they placed her on Creon 5, which are little capsules that you can open up and...
  6. H

    new baby with cystic fibrosis

    I thought about quitting very seriously, but when I saw that she was doing so well I decided to go back. My mom and grandma live with me and they take care of her. I'm very blessed and get alot of help with my mom. We have decided though, that if my mom where unable to take care of her that I...
  7. H


    Hi My daughter is 2 years old, she was diagnosed at 6 weeks because she was failing to thrive. She's doing really good. We've had a few bups in the road. In May she tested positive for pseudonomas???, that was hard to deal with. She is taking Pulmozyme and Tobi now and they have been...
  8. H

    1st treatment for pseudomonas

    Hi My daughter Emma was just diagnosed this May at 22 months. I was so upset when I found out. The doctors placed her on Pulmozyme and TOBI. I could see a big difference in a few days! It's been amazing. It was hard giving her the treatments at first because she hates the way TOBI smells...
  9. H

    new baby with cystic fibrosis

    Hi Christi My 2 year old daughter Emma was diagnosed at 6 weeks. She was having about 15 stools a day and failing to thrive. I was in shock when I first found out and it was very hard to deal with. It does get easier with time. Now, she is an energetic, happy girl. I'll be praying for...