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  1. J

    Update on Allan (WinAce)

    Oh, hey, I guess I did register here before and forgot about it. I posted once in the freaky Burger King mascot thread. Anyway, "jessie" and "AllansGirl" are both me. I guess I'll need to have one deleted or get them merged or something.
  2. J

    Update on Allan (WinAce)

    As of this morning, Allan was doing slightly better. He's still on the ventilator, and probably will be for a while. It's at a very high, uncomfortable setting, so they're keeping him sedated. His doctors keep stressing how difficult it is for CF patients with his level of lung disease to come...
  3. J

    OT: Is anyone else creeped out by......

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>WinAce</b></i><br> Jessica threatened me with it a while ago, though. And yes, that King is perhaps scarier than Ronald McDonald.<hr></blockquote> Just because I don't work for the Burger King anymore doesn't mean you're safe. <img...