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  1. K

    Not enough sweat.

    I've already requested the sweat test for my 11 year old, and they are planning to test him after they see what the blood work shows on Kaden. You're right, regaurdless of what the blood tests show on Kaden, I will still push for a sweat test for the older one. Thanks for the advice. Tammi
  2. K

    Not enough sweat.

    Hi Edna, My son has always been small for his age, (never on the charts), and has had a really congested cough most of his life. He's super prone to sinus infections. Other than that, he's really pretty healthy. I was really surprised when the doctor first mentioned CF at a routine 2 year...
  3. K

    Not enough sweat.

    We just got approved by the Kaiser Geneticist for a blood test! Hooray! Maybe we'll finally get some answers! Thanks for all the great advice and support! Its helped so much! Also, for Edna, I want you to know I'm praying for your little guy and your daughter, and of course, for you! I...
  4. K

    Not enough sweat.

    Daelynn, They're using the little disc with the plastic tubing in it. I didn't know there was a gauze one, that sure sounds alot easier. Just another thing to ask about. I'll guess we'll get more info next week. I'm with ya on the hmo thing! Tammi
  5. K

    Not enough sweat.

    Thanks for all the recomendations. Julie, thanks for the info, I went online and downloaded from the diagnostic site. I plan to show info to our pediatrician. I have put in a call for the ped. and made an appointment to see her for next week. Believe me, I will not let this go. There have...
  6. K

    Not enough sweat.

    Not enough sweat again. The hospital only does the procedure twice. So, at this point, I have no idea what they will do next. If anything. I'm so frustrated. If Kaiser doesn't do the sweat tests anymore, I doubt they'll cover the blood work that our pediatrician says is very expensive. Our...
  7. K

    Not enough sweat.

    I had a feeling that the blood tests are more expensive and that's why they're doing the sweat test first. I just wish I already knew if my husband and I are carriers. If I already knew we weren't, then there'd be no worries. They're testing Kaden only because of symptoms (20 lbs at age 2...
  8. K

    Not enough sweat.

    Kaden's sweat test was today. The technician said there was not enough sweat. We have to repeat it on Tuesday. I had a long sleeved shirt on him plus a jacket, and had him play in the sun outside. Any other suggestions? Wouldn't it just be easier to blood test my husband and I to see if we...
  9. K

    When/how was your child diagnosed?

    Our local Children's Hospital is doing the sweat test because Kaiser doesn't do them. I think Children's has a CF clinic, and their lab is doing the test. I'm so glad to hear that I won't have to wait another two weeks for the results! Thanks for the encouragement everyone! For some reason...
  10. K

    When/how was your child diagnosed?

    How long does it take to get the results back from the sweat test? Kaden goes in tomorrow for his. I've waited two weeks for the appointment and I wonder how much longer I'll have to wait. I know, two weeks isn't that long, but each day that goes by I get more worried, especially because his...
  11. K

    Sweat test Nov. 3 for my two year old

    Thanks for the advice! I would never even have thought to bring a jacket! I will do that! Thankyou for your prayers! Mom to Kaden age 2 (CF?)
  12. K

    Sweat test Nov. 3 for my two year old

    Dear Susan, I looked for the CF4Christians online. I can't find it. Is it a seperate part of this website? I tried but that wasn't it. I'm interested. This website also has been really informative. I'm learning alot. I'm not asking anyone to play doctor, but do his...
  13. K

    Sweat test Nov. 3 for my two year old

    Thanks Emily! I have been reading some of the posts and I'm feeling better. Whatever the outcome of his tests are, I wouldn't trade him for the world! Your stats are encouraging. I have to admit, I thought the average was like 15 or 16. (I told you I was ignorant!)Of course, I want all my...
  14. K

    Sweat test Nov. 3 for my two year old

    My two year old went in for his two year check up last week. We have always struggled with his very small size. He weighs exactly twenty pounds. He also has always had a cough, or rumble in his chest, and lots of bouts of sinus infections and such. His doctor decided to refer him for a sweat...