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  1. J


    What up demention, its me jfreak. Yeah i hope you dont become like me. I am depresses 24/7. oh, here is something that will make you laugh, Hugo stinks!!
  2. J

    Hello, my names Jfreak, rock on!!

    <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0"> Hello. Talk to me rock fans. I dont have cf, but i do support cfgirl2008. She is such a sweetie!!
  3. J

    hi im new here

    Hello miceala, thanx 4 the nice comments you gave me. It is nice to hear from nice people like you. Hope to talk to you again soon. Love...
  4. J

    hi im new here

    hi my names ashley and im 16. my friend cfgirl2008 (tiffany) has CF. im just on here to support her!! ashley 16 w/o CF