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  1. H

    Breathing treatments

    Our 12 year old pretty much does it on his own. If he is off scheudle, like right when school got out he needed prompting but then pretty much sets it up himself. He ususally forgets to get his cayston out and ready before he starts so we usually get that going for him. He manages his feeding...
  2. H

    When/What treatments?

    Our son was diagnosed at 6 mo of age with double D508. He just turned 12 a few days ago. We do both pulmozyme and hypertonic saline. His morning schedule is Vest-30 minutes along with Xopenex inhaler, pulmozyme, Cayston, Advair Inhaler. His pm is the same except hypertonic saline instead of...
  3. H

    Calling online Auntie Jennifer and All others!!!

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>JennifersHope</b></i><br>I know I posted on the adults section but I have to say it again WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am going to be an internet Aunt......... Yippie...... Julie and Mark, I am so happy for both of you..Tell...
  4. H

    Calling online Auntie Jennifer and All others!!!

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>JennifersHope</b></i><br>I know I posted on the adults section but I have to say it again WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am going to be an internet Aunt......... Yippie...... Julie and Mark, I am so happy for both of you..Tell...
  5. H

    Calling ONLINE Auntie Jennifer, and ALL others

    Yeah for continuing doubling bHCG! I do have to say, hmmmmmmmm though as it is a mite high and hmmmmmmm twins? My favorite authors of baby/pregnacy type books, sears and sears fav. baby item: sling!
  6. H

    Calling ONLINE Auntie Jennifer, and ALL others

    Yeah for continuing doubling bHCG! I do have to say, hmmmmmmmm though as it is a mite high and hmmmmmmm twins? My favorite authors of baby/pregnacy type books, sears and sears fav. baby item: sling!
  7. H

    Calling ONLINE Auntie Jennifer, and ALL others

    Yeah!!!!!!!! Way to gestate Julie! Sorry Sean, I'm pretty sure it was the implantation hokey pokey that did it!
  8. H

    Calling ONLINE Auntie Jennifer, and ALL others

    Yeah!!!!!!!! Way to gestate Julie! Sorry Sean, I'm pretty sure it was the implantation hokey pokey that did it!
  9. H

    This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)

    They are not Christmas decorations, they are instead "continual reminders of joy and peace". who doesn't need that in June? Of course the snowman might need sun glasses then... And here is a song for the embryos to help with the process. Sung to the tune of Hoke Pokey... You put your right...
  10. H

    This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)

    They are not Christmas decorations, they are instead "continual reminders of joy and peace". who doesn't need that in June? Of course the snowman might need sun glasses then... And here is a song for the embryos to help with the process. Sung to the tune of Hoke Pokey... You put your right...
  11. H

    This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)

    Julie I think you can have global permission to just leave them up unitl next year! You have more important things going on Heck, just sitck a green hat on the tree for St. Patrick's day, bunny ears for easter, etc. Here, put your computer up to your uterus for a moment "Attention embryos...
  12. H

    This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)

    Julie I think you can have global permission to just leave them up unitl next year! You have more important things going on Heck, just sitck a green hat on the tree for St. Patrick's day, bunny ears for easter, etc. Here, put your computer up to your uterus for a moment "Attention embryos...
  13. H

    This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)

    worst, stealing story ever. This happened to our friend's neighbors. They had their grill stolen out of their back yard. They were really annoyed. Two weeks later it showed up in their back yard all cleaned and shiny. Inside was 2 tickets to a baseball game with a note that they were sorry...
  14. H

    This is Just SAD!! (not about my transfer though)

    worst, stealing story ever. This happened to our friend's neighbors. They had their grill stolen out of their back yard. They were really annoyed. Two weeks later it showed up in their back yard all cleaned and shiny. Inside was 2 tickets to a baseball game with a note that they were sorry...
  15. H

    Is this Legal????

    Definetly talk to the dean! Do you mind me asking where you go to school? Please perserve we need good nurses!
  16. H

    Is this Legal????

    Definetly talk to the dean! Do you mind me asking where you go to school? Please perserve we need good nurses!
  17. H

    Get an amnio to know for sure?

    Unfortunetly the tests you had done do not screen for CF. It is unfortunete they destroyed the CVs. For me if we had another pregnacy i would get the amnio. For me, the worrying would be hard to deal with and I would need to know for sure, but I understand the other side as well!
  18. H

    Get an amnio to know for sure?

    Unfortunetly the tests you had done do not screen for CF. It is unfortunete they destroyed the CVs. For me if we had another pregnacy i would get the amnio. For me, the worrying would be hard to deal with and I would need to know for sure, but I understand the other side as well!
  19. H

    Questions for answers . . .

    wow the math is mind boggling! Right before my guy went in for his G tube I was trying to relax and read some literary prozac. So I'm reading this myster/romance and the hero guy was sad and no one knew why. Well it turns out the guy's daughter died of CF. grrrrrr! Should have had a...
  20. H

    Questions for answers . . .

    wow the math is mind boggling! Right before my guy went in for his G tube I was trying to relax and read some literary prozac. So I'm reading this myster/romance and the hero guy was sad and no one knew why. Well it turns out the guy's daughter died of CF. grrrrrr! Should have had a...