Search results

  1. E

    CF Sufferers in the USA...

    Hello again, As I said, in my previous post here ("CF Men's and Women's Fetility") I am a CF guy in his 20's. I've never been able to ask other CF's questions, so here I am. This question is one I'd REALLY appreciate some answers to. Yes, I am 100% serious and please, rather than spend time...
  2. E

    Men's & Women's Fertility....

    Hi, I'm a male CF sufferer in his 20's. I've never really mixed with other CF sufferers because I've always had the infectious bugs (Psedemonous (sp?), Cepacia (sp?) etc). So I've never been able to ask other CF's questions. Anyway, I've got a bunch of things I'd like to ask and I hope you...