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  1. S

    MI clinics--Any experience

    My daughter see's Dr Simon at U of M he usually spends a good 30 minutes with us asking questions and answering them. When she just went in Tuesday because the oral antibiotics weren't cutting it he happened to see us in the hallway and stopped and talked to us for 5-10 mins explaining what...
  2. S

    Possible CF (input please)

    My daughter was just diagnosed in January at 18, her first test was negative 38 if I remember correctly and a second one was positive 65. She did different arms for each. The genetic test came back positive. When we went to the CF center they actually ran 2 tests one on each arm said the right...
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    Vitamin Programs

    My daughter has been getting free stuff from Live2thrive including AquADEKs. should give that site a try.
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    Beth Sufian's guide to insurance

    Whatever state he ends up in he may want to check if they have any supplemental coverage options. Michigan CF's can get their co-pays covered by the Children's Special health care. Cf and a couple other can get even if they're over 18. The premium is based on how much you make. $120/year for my...
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    Beth Sufian's guide to insurance

    I pay for an ACA plan for my 18 year old Daughter HAP Platinum plan 1500 max out of pocket $210/month ($250 with dental and eye coverage) this is in Michigan so it may be a bit different but I would guess a 26 year old would be closer to her price.