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    Does anyone else live here?

    Tampa Fl here
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    Why have the child?

    Why? The question should really be why not? My fiance has CF and he lives a very normal life. He has channged my life. He is a very talented, caring, intelligent person. Who could your child become in life? He or she could win a Noble Peace Prize, could find a cure for cancer, become the first...
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    Hi, there is a Walk for a Cure sponsored by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. They are located all over the country. It happens in the spring every year. To find the chapter in your area go to It is a great organization and they do numerous charity events every year. Good luck.
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    Help What is it like living with it?

    I hope your doctors visit next week goes well. I get nervous when he has to go to the doc. This message board is cool, it is good to be able to hear about other people that live with CF everyday. I know it is different for me b/c I don't have CF, but I love someone that does. If you want to talk...
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    Help What is it like living with it?

    To Boyfriend, The best thing about loving someone with CF is that you never take one day for granted. Educate yourself, when you are more informed it will help you not be so confused. Also ask her if lots of questions about what her Dr. says about her specific case. There are more and more...
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    Help What is it like living with it?

    Hi my boyfriend does see Dr. Rolfe. Do you like him?
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    Help What is it like living with it?

    To Loving Girlfriend: I also am a loving girlfriend. I guess the best way for you to deal with his illness is to trust what he tells you. Ask questions when you are curious, tell him that you understanding this disease is important to you. Hopefully he will tell you everything you want to know...