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  1. B

    Just need to talk

    This may be a stupid question, but does the boost pudding taste different than the drink. My son didn't like the drink and I dont know if he would like the pudding. He loves the carnation instant breakfast. He drinks about 4 a day, but other than that we have been unlucky finding something...
  2. B

    Fed up with the health care system (Need to vent)

    Listening to you guys about health care I can understand. I am coming from this new experience from both ends. I am a nurse and my son has currently been diagnosed with CF. I can't tell you how frustrated I have been waiting for people to answer my questions. I have to wait for one Dr to...
  3. B

    What should I do?

    I will look into the insurance options that we have here. I really appreciate all of the help. I am feeling kind of hopeless right now and you all are helping to keep me going and fighting for what I want for my child. I appreciate it more that you could ever know....You are all a god send!!!
  4. B

    What should I do?

    I wish I would have thought of that years ago...We are currently waiting for his pediatrician to decide if he wants to do some other testing or send us to Childrens hospital to see a specialist. I am having a hard time waiting for people to decide what they want to do with my child...I want it...