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  1. S

    Great Strides Walk

    WHOO HOOO, another person who knows something about CF in my area. I used to live in Va Beach, but recently moved to Norfolk! Feel free to email me @ if you'd like. Angela
  2. S

    Tubes and Tonsils

    My daughters docs put her on ADEKS from birth. And just recently told us to give her two a day instead of one. Im assuming this is to boost her vit. K for the rescheduled surgery. Im hoping it works, her tonsils need to come out, and she needs tubes desperatly. She's had 24 ear infections...
  3. S

    Great Strides Walk

    The walk youve described sounds really similar to ours. Are you in Virginia by chance?
  4. S

    Tubes and Tonsils

    My 3 year old was scheduled for Tonsil and adenoid removal, and tubes for her ears this past monday. We got there, did all the pre-op, and waited FOREVER! The surgeon came and looked at her blood work before taking her back for surgery and said he wasnt doing the surgery that day. I was a...
  5. S

    Second Children

    Okay.. I asked this question once before, but I didnt word it correctly, and really didnt get any clear answers. I think I confused everyone. I'll try again. How many moms, who have more than one child with CF experienced blocked bowl, or meconium illeus in their second or subsequent...
  6. S

    New Cf Gene

    We just found out the 2 genes our 3 year old daughter has. It has taken 3 full years to find out the second gene. The first time she was tested her results came back telling us she has the Delta F508 gene, which we know is super common. Today we got more results back telling us she also has...
  7. S

    Is there a NORM?

    I have NOT had an amnio done yet. Ive heard awful things about the test, and I havent made the decision for myself yet. I'm still thinking on it. My OB doc is keeping an eye on things with this baby CFwise. Jane I was talking about the births, and having the same issues, not the odds of...
  8. S

    Is there a NORM?

    I have NOT had an amnio done yet. Ive heard awful things about the test, and I havent made the decision for myself yet. I'm still thinking on it. My OB doc is keeping an eye on things with this baby CFwise. Jane I was talking about the births, and having the same issues, not the odds of...