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    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>moonshynchik</b></i> hey can someone get on aim or go to the cf chat room please i am really bored</end quote></div> i will<br>
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    if u like tell me what u know
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    any mothers able to talk to me about cf

    thx i will talk to you under the chat server if u would like to i can swallow its just sometimes i wish i never had these pills and there is more but its i cant get a transplant i also have scoliosis   and i cant get a brace cause it will restrict my breathing and i dont weigh enough for...
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    any mothers able to talk to me about cf

    i need advice about taking my pills
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    does any body play rune scape

    no its on the internet go to its a multiplayer game you play with people all over the world my name is dustin<br>
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    welcome digimon fans

    if u like digimon tell me and leave post to tell me what u know or think
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    14 and need to talk to some1

    my name is dustin by the way my im is<br> i take enzymes called pancreacarb ms 16
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    14 and need to talk to some1

    im 14 my name is dustin i need to talk to some1 and make friends i need advice on some of my pills<br>
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    does any body play rune scape

    yo im looking for runescape players if u play plz tell me
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    any chatters

    yo im lookin to chat about cf any1 im 14 and i need help with advice fo taking pills
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    need to talk to some1

    thx its about my meds i dont like to take them i wish i was like my friends<br>
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    I just learned that my boyfriend has CF and I dont know what to do to help.

    if you really care about him dont treat him any different than you would anybody els he is a human being just like me and you he needs your support and understanding i also have cf and i know how it feels to be treated different i liked it at first but then it got old now im like everyone els...
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    DESIGNING NEW VEST!!>>> need oppinions and exsperances people have had... what do you like... what do you want changed

    DESIGNING NEW VEST!!>>> need oppinions and exsperances people have had... what do you like... what do you want changed i think the vest should use a smaller machine hook up and longer yet smaller hoses<br> <br> because it is to hard to maneuver and take with you to other places and i also...
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    need to talk to some1

    i need help with what to do im a teen in need of some advice with taking my pills because i never want to take them but i know that i need them
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    any body want to chat im bored