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  1. P

    Help me laugh.

    When I was born they had to remove a part of my intestines and while they were in there they decided to remove my appendix. Makes sense to me. So about 15 yrs later i am in the ER with a bowel obstruction. I knew what it was I was only there so I could be admitted and then treated by my CF...
  2. P

    CF and jobs

    I am in sales. I enjoy it because as long as I meet my quotas the job allows for a lot of freedom. Having that freedom really helps with treatments, more time to eat, etc. And also the obvious things such as a salary w. benefits helps. It may not be for everyone but it has allowed me to lead...
  3. P

    New here, just saying hi!!

    Hey there, Im new here but i have been reading the forums for a couple weeks now. Everyone seems very supportive and its been nice to read stuff and relate to it. Im from Northern NY but go to a clinic in VT. I dont really know what to say. But hello everyone!!...Parker