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  1. M

    ? for parents of cfers

    Thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad to hear that Derek is doing great! Ari
  2. M

    ? for parents of cfers

    Thanks for sharing how you deal with public situations. I think it's strange that your CF center encourages interaction. I'm realitively new to this whole thing, but I thought the new thought was no interaction between CFers. I thought this was the biggest area of concern as far as exposure...
  3. M

    ? for parents of cfers

    Thanks for the reply Lindsay. The whole balance thing is hard for me, but I understand. Do you take Ella to restaurants as well? Do you think she has ever caught something from being out and about? I know what you mean about strangers wanting to touch cute babies. I even find myself wanting...
  4. M

    Scared but Hopeful

    Maddox was diagonsed at 5 weeks. We and our families were devistated. For awhile I felt like someone had died, very sad. But, here's the good news. It gets better, at least it did for me. Once you get used to the treatments and you watch your baby grow and develop just like other kids do...
  5. M

    ? for parents of cfers

    That may be true, but I assume he is exposed to enough from what we (his family & care givers) bring around. I do bring him out in public as long as it's not an enclosed place. We go to brunch at an outdoor cafe when we eat out, or we go to the park and beach often. But, maybe some more...
  6. M

    ? for parents of cfers

    Kind of related to what you all are discussing here- How do you all deal with public situations? We've been super cautious about taking Maddox out in public places - no grocery stores, restaurants, etc. He's so young right now we figure he's not missing out on much, but what about when he's...