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    Hi BeckyB, I also have a baby with CF and I know what you're going through. This site has been a godsend to help my husband and I through this time in our lives. We found out about our daughter having CF through newborn testing, it came as a complete shock to us. We've been very fortunate that...
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    Upstate NY

    Yay it worked! Shes making her funny face lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Upstate NY

    I was just wondering if anyone here is from central/upstate NY (Syracuse area) and goes to the University Hospital CF center for treatment? I am asking because I haven't heard much about Addison's doctor (Ran Anbar) and I was hoping someone else went to him. Does anyone know of a website where I...
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    Good News for Addison

    I just wanted to share some good news. Addison had her third CF appt on Monday and we found out that she is pancreatic sufficient. The dr said that it is highly unlikely that she will develop an insufficiency because her enzyme levels were so high. Finally some good news! Still waiting to find...
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    lower birthweight in cf babies?

    How many ppl had their CF babies early????? Addison was 2 weeks early, and it seems like almost everyone else went early too. I'm wondering if theres a correlation???? She was 6 pounds 7 ounces - the smallest baby in both our families (my husbands and mine) in many generations. we were expecting...
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    ? for parents of CF babies

    eli- how did you get the picture of your daughter (shes adorable by the way) to be a part of your signature like that?? I'd like to put a picture of addison on mine but i can't figure out how to do it
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    ? for parents of CF babies

    This is kind of a random question, but for how many months did you boil your babies bottles, pacifiers, etc..? I'm starting to get sick of boiling everything all the time, but I hate to stop just in case it can help keep her from getting sick. Also, how much pedialyte do you give your babies...
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    Scared but Hopeful

    Thank you everyone for your support <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Its been a few days more and I am just beginning to get used to the idea that I have a CFer. I'm also beginning to see that its not the end of the world and my baby will be OK. It means so much to...
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    Helpless in Carolina

    My daughter was just diagnosed with CF and even though she wasn't a preemie she's still just a baby. I know exactly what you're going through, when we found out she might have the disease we had no clue what it was or what it meant. we researched it quite heavily and found out that it mainly...
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    Finding Out (Your Child has CF)

    Hi, my daughter too, was diagnosed because of newborn screening. We were first notified by a phone call from our GP that she had tested positive on the newborn screening. We then met with him and he told us that because they had only picked up one gene that she had a 4% (or something like that)...
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    Scared but Hopeful

    My baby was just diagnosed with CF yesterday. She is only 7 weeks old and not presenting any symptoms. I am still in shock from hearing the news and my family is devistated. I have no idea what to expect because my daughters second mutation has yet to be found (the dr. told us this would...