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  1. C

    First a Positive, now a negative...which one's right???

    I want to thank all of you for your responses.  I'll admit, at first when the first test came back positive, I was totally freaked out.  However the more I've read up on CF, the more I began to think that yea... my son does have symptoms!!  I was finally getting my head around the idea when the...
  2. C

    First a Positive, now a negative...which one's right???

    <font color="blue">My 2 year old son has had health issues since birth.  At 4 months he was diagnosed with GERD, then at 6 months he was hospitalized over night with RSV.  From 4-6 months he maintained a weight of 15lbs until I switched formulas to Alimentum.  He then gained weight, but was...