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  1. P

    Make a Wish Foundation-What would you wish for?

    I am going to be 22 in 2 weeks aqnd when I was 13 my MAKE A WISH came true. Althought 2 weeks felt like forever cuz I was hearing my mom wanting to go to Disney World and my father to Hawaii, I decided to do what every little girl does best (and woman ofcourse) that was to SHOP!!!! I got to take...
  2. P

    I need someone to talk to,in my age group.

    My names Felicity and I will be 22 ina few weeks. I have Cf and I was diagnosed when I was 3. Ive been living with it forever! I've never ever been on this site, glad I found it. Its interesting to hear other people wanting to learn about CF, there isnt much talk about it in my family. I have it...