Search results

  1. T

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Hi Steve, boy I see you are a busy resource on this site! I have a very similar question as Luke08. The story is too long to tell, but the bottom line is that I want my son tested for the full panel. He has been tested for 99 mutations with no mutations found, but had one borderline sweat...
  2. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Grannylana, thanks for the info. We actually were at a different hospital in St. Louis (I won't name it). They were VERY nice and reassuring, but just didn't see the need to pursue further testing, even though he had two high borderline tests. They believed the negative genetics on the 97...
  3. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Grannylana, thanks for the info. We actually were at a different hospital in St. Louis (I won't name it). They were VERY nice and reassuring, but just didn't see the need to pursue further testing, even though he had two high borderline tests. They believed the negative genetics on the 97...
  4. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Grannylana, thanks for the info. We actually were at a different hospital in St. Louis (I won't name it). They were VERY nice and reassuring, but just didn't see the need to pursue further testing, even though he had two high borderline tests. They believed the negative genetics on the 97...
  5. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Grannylana, thanks for the info. We actually were at a different hospital in St. Louis (I won't name it). They were VERY nice and reassuring, but just didn't see the need to pursue further testing, even though he had two high borderline tests. They believed the negative genetics on the 97...
  6. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Grannylana, thanks for the info. We actually were at a different hospital in St. Louis (I won't name it). They were VERY nice and reassuring, but just didn't see the need to pursue further testing, even though he had two high borderline tests. They believed the negative genetics on the 97...
  7. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Grannylana, thanks for the info. We actually were at a different hospital in St. Louis (I won't name it). They were VERY nice and reassuring, but just didn't see the need to pursue further testing, even though he had two high borderline tests. They believed the negative genetics on the 97...
  8. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Hi! Just curious what center in MO you are going to? If you don't feel comfortable saying, I understand, but we are in MO and have had a few issues with some of the clinics here also. Our son had two borderline tests (45 and 53), and was negative on the 100 panel genetic screen. The one...
  9. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Hi! Just curious what center in MO you are going to? If you don't feel comfortable saying, I understand, but we are in MO and have had a few issues with some of the clinics here also. Our son had two borderline tests (45 and 53), and was negative on the 100 panel genetic screen. The one...
  10. T

    Positive sweat test and now maybe not CF?

    Hi! Just curious what center in MO you are going to? If you don't feel comfortable saying, I understand, but we are in MO and have had a few issues with some of the clinics here also. Our son had two borderline tests (45 and 53), and was negative on the 100 panel genetic screen. The one...
  11. T

    Strep throat and CF?

    Thanks to all, but you bring up one more question for me. I agree that I would like to have the extended panel done. BUT HOW DO I GET A DOCTOR TO ORDER THAT FOR ME WHEN THEY DON'T BELIEVE IT IS NECESSARY. Any suggestions? It was a doc at a very well-respected CF clinic who said we absolutly...
  12. T

    Strep throat and CF?

    Thanks to all, but you bring up one more question for me. I agree that I would like to have the extended panel done. BUT HOW DO I GET A DOCTOR TO ORDER THAT FOR ME WHEN THEY DON'T BELIEVE IT IS NECESSARY. Any suggestions? It was a doc at a very well-respected CF clinic who said we absolutly...
  13. T

    Strep throat and CF?

    Thanks to all, but you bring up one more question for me. I agree that I would like to have the extended panel done. BUT HOW DO I GET A DOCTOR TO ORDER THAT FOR ME WHEN THEY DON'T BELIEVE IT IS NECESSARY. Any suggestions? It was a doc at a very well-respected CF clinic who said we absolutly...
  14. T

    Strep throat and CF?

    Hi all. I am searching for possible answers for my son. He is 6 and since entering kindergarten this year has had strep throat 5 times. We are scheduled to have his tonsils out in a few weeks. My question is this: do CF kids get strep more frequently than others? He has NOT been dx. with...
  15. T

    Strep throat and CF?

    Hi all. I am searching for possible answers for my son. He is 6 and since entering kindergarten this year has had strep throat 5 times. We are scheduled to have his tonsils out in a few weeks. My question is this: do CF kids get strep more frequently than others? He has NOT been dx. with...
  16. T

    Strep throat and CF?

    Hi all. I am searching for possible answers for my son. He is 6 and since entering kindergarten this year has had strep throat 5 times. We are scheduled to have his tonsils out in a few weeks. My question is this: do CF kids get strep more frequently than others? He has NOT been dx. with...