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  1. T

    Rib infection

    Talk about some kick ass pain. The same thing happened to me about 6yrs ago. I wasn't feeling well, (no pain at this time) so I gave my docs a call. It had been going on for a few days at that point, so I figured I better get on top of it before it landed me in the hospital. I called them, and...
  2. T

    Maximum Life Expectancy - please comment

    Germany, COOL!! I was diagnosed at 3 months. I am now approaching my 21 birthday. I live the U.S.
  3. T

    Maximum Life Expectancy - please comment

    Exercise is the key. I went to the doctor about 2 months ago, and my lung functions were as high as ever. She wanted to know what was I doing differently. The only thing is exercising. That is the KKKEEEYYYY for a person with CF who plans to stay healthy.