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  1. D

    Best places to purchase pediasure?

    Hi Heather, I do not normally post...but thought I could help with your question. I was still nursing my daughter when she was diagnosed at 12 months. Unlike some of the other posters...she loved Pediasure from day one...I have found that Wal-Mart is the cheapest at $9.87/six pack. If you...
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    Best places to purchase pediasure?

    Hi Heather, I do not normally post...but thought I could help with your question. I was still nursing my daughter when she was diagnosed at 12 months. Unlike some of the other posters...she loved Pediasure from day one...I have found that Wal-Mart is the cheapest at $9.87/six pack. If you...
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    Best places to purchase pediasure?

    Hi Heather, I do not normally post...but thought I could help with your question. I was still nursing my daughter when she was diagnosed at 12 months. Unlike some of the other posters...she loved Pediasure from day one...I have found that Wal-Mart is the cheapest at $9.87/six pack. If you...
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    Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?

    another perspective... I am one of those parents whose child is relatively healthy. My daughter was diagnosed at age 1. My husband and I had no family history of CF and did not have genetic testing prior to getting pregnant. We have made the decision not to have any other children. I can't...
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    Humid Climates

    We are military and have experienced both dry and humid climates. I think my daughter does better in dry. We are stationed in Virginia now and my daughter's PFT's were remarkably better in Texas/Oklahoma. I have been told that there is not an indication that one climate is better than another...
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    Question about Climate and CF

    Hi Liza, Thanks for the info...I do know that there is another AF CF center...and that one is at Keesler AFB, MS...I have also heard some really great things about the center at Lackland...I would love to exchange information with you...if you would like to talk...please contact...