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  1. G

    What would you do?

    This is a horrible situation. I am 6 months pregnant, and a friend of mine has another friend who is pregnant and about as far along. Also, my husband had CF, which is why my friend told me the following information: My friend's friend (FF) smokes a pack a day and has made no move to stop...
  2. G

    Pregnant as a partner

    Just wanted to check in and say hello. I am now almost 16 weeks pregnant and things are going pretty well. I am losing weight and feeling icky, but since I started out overweight this has not been a concern. The baby is growing great and sucking its thumb and moving all over. As a CF...
  3. G

    Old Navy Maternity Pants

    What sick clothing designer makes low rise maternity pants with the elastic band barely covering the butt? Seriously? I was too stupid when I was shopping to not buy the idiot pants that make me look like a plumber when I bend over, so here I am, giving little shows every time I bend over. I...
  4. G

    Morning Sickness

    I don't have CF, so my weight loss definitely isn't as big of a problem as if would be for someone who started out underweight. However, the last week I have had very severe nausea at night (I get my morning sickness backwards). I can barely force myself to drink water in the evening. As a...
  5. G


    We are on vacation and swimming, and my husband tells me he is not able to float in water. I'm naturally bouyant due to some extra cushioning, but have always been able to float well. I tried to "teach" him. I told him what I do, and he tried. I held him up and then tried to release him. I...
  6. G


    This isn't CF related, just pregnancy related. I want sushi soooo much. I just read ten different articles on the danger/lack of danger of eating sushi while pregnant. Overall, it seems if you stay away from the mercury-rich fish, the raw thing shouldn't really be an issue. It's like a one in...
  7. G

    Baby books about donor dads?

    I was wondering if anyone knows of a baby/children's book about having a sperm donor. I am thinking something like Jamie Lee Curtis's "Tell Me Again About the Day I Was Born." If there isn't one out there, I was thinking of writing one, in which case I was wondering if anyone has any tips on...
  8. G

    I saw the heartbeat!

    I has my first ultrasound and saw my little bean. What a cute blob it is. I can't believe how amazing that little flutter is and knowing that is a heart. The heart rate is 148 and the baby is 1 cm long.
  9. G

    Home IUI

    A few people have sent me personal messages asking how we did IUI at home with donor sperm, so I thought I would share in the forum for anyone who is interested. It's actually so easy it's almost scary. We went to my doctor (my gyn is a fertility specialist, but it could be your regular gyn I...
  10. G

    Second try home IUI

    Last month we tried our first home insemination. After less than a week I was feeling sensitivity in my breasts, nausea in the middle of the night, and fatigue. I took a test after only 8 days and it was positive. We were so happy and I went in to the doctor for the blood test the same day...
  11. G

    Donor Sperm

    So I was thinking about using donor sperm, and I've been reading profiles on the donor sites... I just really don't want a stranger's dna inside of me. This led me to think about having a good male friend donate his sperm. I trust him, I know his medical and family history, and I feel...
  12. G

    IUI when male has CF?

    After the labor day John and Kate plus 8 marathon, I am really keen on alternatives to IVF. I also don't want to spend my future baby's college fund on a procedure. I have been doing some online research (and like a total idiot, I think this makes me a fertility specialist). I want to try...