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  1. L

    7% saline

    I had no idea you could get it on Amazon! Good to know. Here's a link if anyone's curious: <a href="" title=""...
  2. L

    7% saline

    I had no idea you could get it on Amazon! Good to know. Here's a link if anyone's curious: <a href="" title=""...
  3. L

    7% saline

    I had no idea you could get it on Amazon! Good to know. Here's a link if anyone's curious: <a href="" title=""...
  4. L

    Working a job with cf

    I have a friend who does medical dictation from home. She just sits and transcribes doctors' notes at her computer. You might be able to look into something like that.
  5. L

    Working a job with cf

    I have a friend who does medical dictation from home. She just sits and transcribes doctors' notes at her computer. You might be able to look into something like that.
  6. L

    Working a job with cf

    I have a friend who does medical dictation from home. She just sits and transcribes doctors' notes at her computer. You might be able to look into something like that.
  7. L

    Mirena Birth Control for Cysters?

    Well, not to go against the grain, but I've had the Mirena for almost 4 years now and I love it. It's worked wonderfully (much better than the patch or the nuva ring) and I recommend it to all my girlfriends who don't want to have kids anytime soon. Everyone is different and I think each person...
  8. L

    Mirena Birth Control for Cysters?

    Well, not to go against the grain, but I've had the Mirena for almost 4 years now and I love it. It's worked wonderfully (much better than the patch or the nuva ring) and I recommend it to all my girlfriends who don't want to have kids anytime soon. Everyone is different and I think each person...
  9. L

    Mirena Birth Control for Cysters?

    Well, not to go against the grain, but I've had the Mirena for almost 4 years now and I love it. It's worked wonderfully (much better than the patch or the nuva ring) and I recommend it to all my girlfriends who don't want to have kids anytime soon. Everyone is different and I think each person...
  10. L

    Anyone have scandishakes they dont want?

    Sorry, none here. I'm actually waiting to get mine from Creon, since I just got a new Rx of enzymes. Have you tried over at
  11. L

    Anyone have scandishakes they dont want?

    Sorry, none here. I'm actually waiting to get mine from Creon, since I just got a new Rx of enzymes. Have you tried over at
  12. L

    Anyone have scandishakes they dont want?

    Sorry, none here. I'm actually waiting to get mine from Creon, since I just got a new Rx of enzymes. Have you tried over at
  13. L

    Birth control

    I have the Mirena and love it. You can PM me if you have any questions.
  14. L

    Birth control

    I have the Mirena and love it. You can PM me if you have any questions.
  15. L

    Birth control

    I have the Mirena and love it. You can PM me if you have any questions.
  16. L

    Birth control

    I have the Mirena and love it. You can PM me if you have any questions.
  17. L

    Birth control

    I have the Mirena and love it. You can PM me if you have any questions.
  18. L

    Anyone live in Colorado?

    Bethylove, I used to live in CO before moving to Chicago two years ago. I originally came from the east coast where I struggled with the humidity for most of my childhood. In CO, I could sleep with the windows open at night (something I could never do back east) and I thought my sinuses cleared...
  19. L

    Anyone live in Colorado?

    Bethylove, I used to live in CO before moving to Chicago two years ago. I originally came from the east coast where I struggled with the humidity for most of my childhood. In CO, I could sleep with the windows open at night (something I could never do back east) and I thought my sinuses cleared...
  20. L

    Anyone live in Colorado?

    Bethylove, I used to live in CO before moving to Chicago two years ago. I originally came from the east coast where I struggled with the humidity for most of my childhood. In CO, I could sleep with the windows open at night (something I could never do back east) and I thought my sinuses cleared...