My granddaughter has had a g-tube since she was 4 mos old. Her eating habits did change but we feel it was for the good. Emalie was diagnosed at 6 days old when her meconium hadn't passed and her bowel became obstructed, twisted and died. She had 5 surgeries in her first 90 days of her life. Her...
My granddaughter has had a g-tube since she was 4 mos old. Her eating habits did change but we feel it was for the good. Emalie was diagnosed at 6 days old when her meconium hadn't passed and her bowel became obstructed, twisted and died. She had 5 surgeries in her first 90 days of her life. Her...
My granddaughter has had a g-tube since she was 4 mos old. Her eating habits did change but we feel it was for the good. Emalie was diagnosed at 6 days old when her meconium hadn't passed and her bowel became obstructed, twisted and died. She had 5 surgeries in her first 90 days of her life. Her...
My granddaughter has had a g-tube since she was 4 mos old. Her eating habits did change but we feel it was for the good. Emalie was diagnosed at 6 days old when her meconium hadn't passed and her bowel became obstructed, twisted and died. She had 5 surgeries in her first 90 days of her life. Her...
My granddaughter has had a g-tube since she was 4 mos old. Her eating habits did change but we feel it was for the good. Emalie was diagnosed at 6 days old when her meconium hadn't passed and her bowel became obstructed, twisted and died. She had 5 surgeries in her first 90 days of her life. Her...
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