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  1. L

    Rough start

    Thanks Alex! Very appreciate to hear from your story. For sure it would be great to talk to a mom eventually! :)
  2. L

    Rough start

    Thanks to both of you. She sure will be seen by an accredited CF clinics. I'm from Quebec, Canada. For now, we are in the best hospital and I already met pulmologists, nutritionist, social worker, gastroentherologist (im french, not sure about this one). I started to learn CPT with the physio...
  3. L

    Rough start

    Here is my story. I delivered my precious daughter by emergency c-section at 31 weeks because of severe preeclampsia (hellp syndrome). She weighted 2.5 pounds. Unfortunately, she did not pass meconium (meconium ileus) and had her first op at 8 days and a second at 10 to place a temporary...