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    A new way to fix constipation/ staying regular

    Hi there, Do anyone of you know that a supplement can also help in fixing the constipation? Surprisingly, there has been a supplement know as the candle nut to cure this problem. My cousin usually suffers from the constipation when ever he is out of town. An article about the nut and its...
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    pickles anyone?

    I also just love pickles.
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    Almond Milk Weight Gainer Smoothie

    This is my favourite. I just love to have almond milk daily on my breakfast.
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    Low Cholesterol High Triglycerides have CFRD

    My uncle has this issue once, he was a patient of high cholesterol and has suffered a lot due to this problem. During his treatment he was told to have the micro diet intake which helps in maintaining the cholesterol level in the body. He started taking the Candle nut supplement on his doctor's...
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    need ideas for help gaining weight for my lil one.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter. She is suffering a lot in this small age. For her weight gain, you should try the milk mixed with almond powder. It is a rich source of protein and can help her to gain weight.
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    Newly diagnosed 23 year old

    Just carry on your doctors treatment and do as what he says. Don't take anykind of risk.