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  1. M

    High Cholesterol on trikafta?

    So I've always had super low readings and could eat whatever I want, but I started Trikafta in Dec of last year and put on 40lbs in 1 year. I did my labs this week and the cholesterol went though the roof. Now I gotta start watching what I eat... anybody else?
  2. M

    Eyes Burning on Trikafta

    8 months on it now and I will say 80% of the burning has subsided. No issues and I have been med fee since June. No pills no nothing except Trikafta and Creon.
  3. M

    Trikafta Q&A, Experiences, etc.

    Well I finally went for my first appt after starting Dec 4th. Although I feel great, my baseline was 70-72 fev1. Ive always been around this level.since 2005 This time around it was 77. I had hoped higher but I still.feel like this is night and day. I gained 14.5 lbs and I was able to...
  4. M

    Eyes Burning on Trikafta

    Hello, Ive been on Trikafta since Dec 4th and prob a few days in I started having burning sensation on my eyes and a slight redness. Sort of like cutting an onion but on a really small scale. Its been the same everyday since then. I feel 100% and zero side effects except for this. Any...
  5. M

    Would you Recommend the Vest?

    I got the vest at age 16 which was almost 24 years ago. Used it here and there the first few years. Otherwise it has sat in my parents closet at home for prob the last 20 years. I got usually nothing out from it and have used autogenic drainage therapy since then.
  6. M

    Trikafta Q&A, Experiences, etc.

    Almost 4 weeks in, no side effects now. Breathing is fine. Very watery white mucus. Mucus is almost non existent now. I also had a bad cold within the last 4 weeks that lasted 2 weeks and no real chest congestion. Kinda cleared itself out. Usually id battle with green mucus for a few weeks...
  7. M

    Trikafta Q&A, Experiences, etc.

    All my side effects are gone but I did notice I'm jittery as well. And I did tell my doc it's like 24/7 breathing treatments back to back and she said some people have that. Still good but 2 weeks into it now and I have a cold. I wonder if it's another side effect. I notice a common cold per...
  8. M

    Trikafta Q&A, Experiences, etc.

    Like the above post I only have 1 F508 and was also never able to take anything. I'm 39 and my base is in the mid 70s. I started this past Sunday and within about 3 hours I coughed up stuff all day with what seemed to be little effort. I had a very mild headache and had a hot face. But felt...
  9. M

    Trikafta Q&A, Experiences, etc.

    I get my first shipment in tomorrow. Ill be starting it on Monday the 9th. Well see what happens. I don't cough and rarely get anything up so it will be kinda exciting to see if I get this so called purge. Im 39 and my breathing is in the mid 70s now.