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  1. B

    Advice some food for my 6 months old cf daughter

    my grandaughter just turned 5 a huge thing for her was the yogurt, she absolutely loved it, and it don't hurt to give things a try to see what she likes... I now have a 4 month old grandaughter also and she is starting some yougurt she loves it, both my grandaughters have CF and were diagnosed...
  2. B

    New CF diagnosis

    hello, we live in west Virginia, i now have two grandaughters with CF Diagnosis, Brianna diagnosed at 31 days with the DF508 and Emma who was diagnosed at birth with the same gene mutation, they are both pancreatic insufficient therefore they take enzymes, my two girls do the same treatments as...
  3. B

    New CF diagnosis

    hello, we live in west Virginia, i now have two grandaughters with CF Diagnosis, Brianna diagnosed at 31 days with the DF508 and Emma who was diagnosed at birth with the same gene mutation, they are both pancreatic insufficient therefore they take enzymes, my two girls do the same treatments as...